Sports Knee Injuries

Sports Knee Injuries

At Ortho Precision, Dr Yas Edirisinghe provides high-quality orthopaedic care for patients experiencing a wide range of sports knee injuries. 

With comprehensive training and experience in leading hospitals, Dr Edirisinghe meets individual patient needs and goals through innovative and compassionate treatment approaches.

Treatment options for sports knee injuries include:

  • ACL reconstruction
  • Multi-ligament knee reconstruction
  • Patella stabilisation
  • Meniscal Repair

Patients experiencing a sports knee injury should visit their general practitioner and request a referral to Dr Yas Edirisinghe for specialised care. At your initial consultation, Dr Edirisinghe will discuss your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and order any additional tests to inform treatment. Utilising advanced precision and rehabilitation technology, Dr Edirisinghe provides tailored guidance throughout the entirety of your treatment journey for optimal results.

Assessing Knee Pain Severity

Knee pain can affect people of any age, and is usually caused by an injury or general wear and tear. Our knee pain assessment questionnaire is designed to assess knee pain severity on a scale from mild to severe in certain situations and determine whether specialist intervention is required.